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Monday, November 18, 2013

Microscoped - 6

160x zoom on a mosquito head

A corroded surface of a rusty metal nail

Cigarette paper – the blue crystals are additives that keep the lit cigarette burning by producing oxygen

1000x zoom on a vinyl

50x zoom of human eyelash hairs

1950x zoom on a broken hair

Microscoped - 5

20x zoom on a section of a circuit board

Surface of a silicon microchip

350x zoom on a cd

500x zoom on a Gillette Fusion II Razor 


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Microscoped - 4

Chicken Embryo

Chalk Powder


Fly Ash

Microscoped - 3

An ant holding a microchip.

Butterfly eggs on a raspberry plant.

A micro crack in steel.

Common household dust.

Needle with thread.

The head of a maggot of a bluebottle fly.

Microscoped - 2


A Marine Worm, 58x magnification

Leg of a Gecko


Green chloroplasts in plant cell.

A high-chromium, nickel-based alloy

Microscoped - 1

The skin of a Shark.

 The surface of your tongue.

A squid's suckers.

A water mite.